script pour le sida....

  • Initiateur de la discussion Paul Elie
  • Date de début
Paul Elie

Paul Elie

4 289
6 510
voila un script en anglais ( non je ne le traduirai pas!) vous avez sur le net un outil qui bien qu'aproximatif.... poura vous aider a en comprendre l'esprit!
donc a vous de jouer!
ce script a été écrit par gerald f.kein.... posté par moi avec sa permission! ecrite...

je repondrai au questions sur le sujet.... uniquement!

A.I.D.S. Healing Patter

The past is over and done...and can not be changed. This is the only moment that exists. Let go. Release any and all resistance. You are safe. You are loved. You are far more than your body. You are pure consciousness. You are one with all of life. The power that created this entire planet is the same power that created you....and this power has given you the power to create your own experience. The power of your mind, every thought you think, and every word you speak is creating your future. No person, no place and no thing has any power over you. For you are the only thinker in your mind. You are the power and you are the authority in your life. And you now consciously choose to use your power to heal yourself. Yes, it is true when you were a child there were difficult times, times when you felt lonely, unwanted and unloved. Perhaps you were rejected or abandoned or even abused or humiliated. Yes, there were some terrible times. That is acknowledged. But the past has no power over you now. The point of power is only in the present moment. Each moment is a new beginning and this moment is a new beginning for you. Right here and right now. Now we take the past, all of it, up to this very moment and wrap it in divine love and release it and let it go. Affirm that you are now free. You are not your father nor your father’s beliefs. You are not your mother. You are not any of your relatives. You are not the teacher that scolds nor their beliefs. You are not the limitations of your early religious upbringing. You are yourself, a divine, magnificent expression of life. You are a divine magnificent expression of life. Since time began on this planet, there has never been another person exactly like you, and there never will be. You are special, you are unique and wonderful. You have your own set of talents and abilities. No one can do things exactly the way you do them. So there is no competition or comparison. You are a magnificent being, and worthy of your own love, and you own self-acceptance.
Now we order your subconscious mind to release any and all negative beliefs that are limiting you in any way. It does not matter if you know what they are or not. It does not matter how long they have been there. Now, in this moment, we order them wiped out, erased, eliminated, neutralized and released. You let go and you are now free. You affirm a willingness to continue to release the mental causes, the mental patterns in your conscious mind that are creating any negative conditions in your life now.
You affirm you are willing to release the need for this condition and now allow it to disappear, to fade away, to dissolve back into the nothing from whence it came. We affirm you are now free of the past. The old garbage no longer has a hold on you. You are free to create in this present moment, with the power of your own mind that which you desire. Your current thought always creates your future. So let us keep these thoughts positive, supportive and healing.
I want you to now imagine yourself as a little boy of five or six. Look deeply into his eyes, and see the longing that is there. Know that there is only one thing that little boy wants, and that is love from you. So, in your mind, reach out your arms and embrace that little boy. Hold him with love and tenderness. Tell him how much you love him. How much you care. Tell him how good looking he is, how bright and clever he is and how you love the way he does things.
And that it is all right for him to make mistakes while he learns. And that you will always be there for him.

Now allow that little boy to get very small, until he is just the size to fit into your heart and put him there, so that whenever you look down, you can see him looking up at you. Then you can give him love. Now, imagine your mother as a little girl of four or five, frightened, and looking for love, and not knowing where to find it. Reach out your arms and hold this little girl. Let her know how much you love her. How much you care. Let her know she can rely on you. That you will always be there, no matter what. And when she quiets down, and begins to feel safe, let her get very small, just the size to fit into your heart. Then put her there with your own little boy and let them give each other a lot of love.
Now, imagine your father as a little boy of three or four, frightened, crying and looking for love. See the tears rolling down his little face. He does not know where to turn. So once again, reach out your arms and hold his trembling little body, you know how to do this now. You are good at comforting frightened little children. Comfort him, talk to him. Let him feel how much you love him. Words are not necessary now, you can accomplish this just with feelings. Let him feel how much you love him. Let him feel that you will always be there for him. When his tears are dry, and you feel the love and the peace in this little boy, let him get very small. Just the size to fit into your heart, and put him there. So those three little children can give each other lots of love. And you can love them all.
You heart has so much love to give, the more of it you give, the more of it you share, the
more there is. Love is the most powerful healing force there is. And you are love. Now let’s use this love to wipe out any and all old resentments and hurts and bitterness that may be

lingering in you. It is impossible to really love until we have forgiven.
Imagine a small stage in front of you, and on this stage you place the person you resent the most. The person could be from your past or present, living or dead. Now, when you see this person clearly, begin to see good things happening to this person. Things that would be meaningful to him or her. See him smiling and happy. Say to him, mentally, I forgive you and I set you free. You set him free and you then become free. You become free of the past. You become free to create happiness that is meaningful to you.
Now we are going to do a healing exercise. We will work with your wonderful imagination to dissolve any dis-ease that is still lingering within you. Imagine what you feel is wrong with your body. Imagine in a way that you could describe to a three year old child. Like, there are bugs inside of me that are biting me, or there is a wall of mud moving through me. Some image that is meaningful to you. Then imagine a method of taking care of this problem. Someone could come along with a big spray gun and kill all the bugs with one big poof. Or, the mud could be washed away with clean, cool, pure water. Now I would like you to imagine and present a mental image of the T cells in your body. The doctor has probably told you that you do
not have enough T cells to fight off the invader. Let’s devise a way for these cells to multiply. Perhaps a magician could walk through your blood stream and touch each T cell with his magic
wand, and as he touches them, each T cell becomes twenty T cells. And then he touches tho
se twenty and each one becomes twenty more. And the magician works faster and faster and the

cells multiply and multiply until there are more than enough T cells to take care of any invader. Now let’s see those thousands and thousands of white T cells armed with buckets and brushes and gargage bags. And they are running around gathering all the diseased cells. Cleaning every
nook and cranny. The white blood cells are going through you body and finding the very causative center, poking into every corner and cleansing, flushing out and removing, forever so there is nothing left. And all those dead cells are flushed out through the breath, through the urine and the stool. Going, going, gone. You can see your blood stream getting cleaner and cleaner. And now this clean blood is able to flow into every muscle, tissue, organ, joint, bone, and cell in your body. Nourishing, supporting and building.
If there is any pain or discomfort anywhere in your body, just imagine the army of white cells rushing to that spot with all their equipment, cleaning, soothing and healing and making well. Lovingly, give your body the command to heal itself. Now you are feeling the strength begin to build in your body. The quiet knowing strength that says, “I am well, I am ok, I am immuned, I am strong!” See yourself having more energy, a better appetite and being more peaceful. See yourself accomplishing the goals you desire in your life. See yourself becoming well. See yourself totally well, and filled with energy, going after what you want to do. Reaching all your goals in life, fulfilling your purpose. See your relationships, all of them, becoming more meaningful. Give yourself strong reasons for healing and for living. Focus on your own priorities in life. As you work with these images day after day, and you can do them as often as you wish, your body responds to the healing energy you’re giving it. There is a part of you deep inside that knows that you have the power to heal yourself. It does not matter where the cause came from, we now
release it and let it go, and we concentrate all our energy into claiming our birthright. It is your birthright to be totally fulfilled in all areas of life. To have total, vibrant health with lots of energy. Every organ working perfectly, feeling good about yourself. We claim this for you right here and right now.
It is your birthright to have wonderful loving relationships in every area of your life. Supportive and nourished relationships, whether it is the most casual, like buying a newspaper, to the most intimate. We claim this birthright right here and right now.
It is your birthright to express yourself creatively in ways that are most fulfilling to you, to get to do what you want to do and to feel good about it. We claim this birthright for you, right here. It is your birthright to share in the vast abundance and prosperity of this universe. To live
well and to be comfortable with the substance called life. We claim this birthright for you, right here and right now!
If there is any pattern in your consciousness that would deny or delay this in any way, now affirm that you are willing to release it and let it go. You release and dissolve all resistance. You affirm that you are totally open and receptive to your highest good and greatest joy. Good now floods into your life from every possible avenue. Love and support surrounds you and
miracle follows miracle in your life. Whatever it is you need to know is now revealed to you. Whatever you need comes to you in divine right order.
Your healing is already in process. It is already completed in consciousness. And now the physical is manifest. You now love and accept who and what you are. The universal intelligence responds to this, and you are surrounded by loving, healing energy. And you draw upon that tremendous resource with the healing power of love. Deep at the center of your being
there is an infinite well of love. You now allow this love to flow to the surface. It fills your heart, your body, your mind, your consciousness, your very being and it radiates outside in all directions and returns to you multiplied many times over.
The more love you use and give, the more you have to give. The supply is endless. The use of love makes you feel good. It is an expression of your inner joy. You love yourself,
therefore you take loving care of your body. You love yourself, therefore you provide for yourself a comfortable living space, filling the room with the vibration of love so that all who enter, yourself included, feel and respond to this love. You love yourself therefore you behave and think in a loving way to all people, for you know that which you give out returns to you multiplied.
From this time forward, you only attract loving people into your world because they are a mirror of what you are. You love yourself therefore, you forgive and totally release the past and all past experiences, and you are free..
You love yourself, therefore, you live totally in the now. Experiencing each moment as good and knowing that your future is bright and joyous and secure. You are one with the universe, now and forever more. Let this love from your heart flow throughout the community, touching any person who may be ill in any way. Let it touch and awaken the healing power within themselves. You share your love and your energy with your brothers and your sisters, for we are all one. You are whole, you are complete and all is well in your wonderful, loving, joyful, happy, healthy, peaceful, prosperous world and so it is.
Paul Elie

Paul Elie

4 289
6 510
relâchez vous et laissez-vous aller, et nous nous concentrons toute notre énergie en revendiquant nos droits de vivre bien.
c' est de votre droit à son plein accomplissement dans tous les domaines de la vie. Pour avoir une totale, santé dynamique avec beaucoup d'énergie.
Tous les organes fonctionnent parfaitement, vous vous sentez bien.
l'hypno passent en mode nous pour apporter un support et une confirmation
Nous affirmons cela pour vous, ici et maintenant.
Il est de votre droit de vivre bien d'avoir merveilleuses relations amoureuses dans tous les domaines de votre vie.
Les rapports de soutien et nourriture, même si elle est la plus occasionnels, comme acheter un journal, ou la plus intime.
Nous revendiquons ce droit de vivre bien, droit ici et maintenant.
Il est de votre droit de vivre bien de vous exprimer de façon créative d'une façon qui vous satisfait le plus pour vous, pour arriver à faire ce que vous voulez faire et de se sentir bien à ce sujet. Nous revendiquons ce droit de vivre bien pour vous, ici. Il est de votre droit de vivre bien,de votre part dans la grande abondance et la prospérité de cet univers. Pour vivre
bien et d'être à l'aise avec la substance qui s'appelle la vie.
Nous revendiquons ce droit de vivre bien pour vous, ici et maintenant!
Paul Elie

Paul Elie

4 289
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S'il existe un modèle dans votre conscience qui empêche ou retarde ce procédé de quelque façon que ce soit, maintenant affirmer que vous êtes disposé à le libérer et a le laisser partir.
Votre libération va dissoudre toutes les résistances.
Vous affirmez que vous êtes totalement ouvert et réceptif à votre plus grand bien et la plus grande joie.
Bon maintenant votre vie est forte de tous les moyens possibles. l'amour et ses outils vous soutiennent et le miracle suis le miracle dans votre vie.
ou la victoire engendre la victoire!
Quoi qu'il en soit ce que vous devez savoir est maintenant révélée. Quelle que soit vous avez besoin vient à vous dans un ordre implacable.
Votre guérison est déjà en cours.
c' est déjà determiné dans votre conscience.
Et maintenant, le physique va se manifester.
Vous avez maintenant l'amour et acception de qui et ce que vous êtes. L'intelligence universelle répond à cela, et vous êtes entouré par l'amour, la guérison énergétique.
Et vous tirez parti de cette ressource formidable avec le pouvoir de guérison de l'amour. Nichée au centre de votre être
il y a un puits infini d'amour.
Vous permettez maintenant a cet amour de venir à la surface.
Il remplit votre cœur, votre corps, votre esprit, votre conscience, votre être et rayonne à l'extérieur dans toutes les directions et reviens à vous multipliée plusieurs fois.
Le plus d'amour que vous utilisez et donnez, plus vous avez à donner. L'offre est infinie.
L'utilisation de l'amour vous fait vous sentir bien. Il est une expression de votre joie intérieure. Vous vous aimez,
donc vous prenez un soin affectueux de votre corps. Vous vous aimez donc vous allez fournir pour vous-même un espace de vie confortable, remplissant l'espace de la vibration de l'amour afin que tous ceux qui entrent, vous y compris, de sentir et répondre à cet amour.
Vous vous aimez donc vous comportez et pensez d'une façon affectueuse par devers les personnes, car vous savez ce que vous donnez vous revient multiplié.
a Partir de ce moment, il vous suffit d'attirer les gens aimant dans votre monde, parce qu'ils sont un miroir de ce que vous êtes. Vous vous aimez donc vous pardonnez et totalement libérez le passé et toutes les expériences passées, et vous êtes libre ..
Vous vous aimez, donc, vous vivez totalement dans le présent.
Vivre chaque instant comme le bien et en sachant que votre avenir est lumineux et joyeux et sûr.
Vous êtes en syncro avec l'univers, maintenant et pour toujours. Que cet amour de votre fluide de cœur ailles dans toute la Communauté, de toucher toute personnes qui peut être se sente mal, pour les aider. Laisser toucher et réveiller le pouvoir de guérison en eux-mêmes.
Vous partagez votre amour et votre énergie avec vos frères et vos sœurs, car nous sommes tous un.
Vous êtes ensemble, vous en avez fini avec la maladie et tout va bien dans votre merveilleux, affectueux, joyeux, heureux, sain, pacifique, prospère personne et c'est ainsi!.
Paul Elie

Paul Elie

4 289
6 510
ce script a été écrit par gerald f. Kein et grâce a la participation bienveillante de metaphore qui en a aeré le contenu....
Paul Elie

Paul Elie

4 289
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ceci dit je répondrai et discuterai le contenu... et d'avance je remercie les forumeurs qui m'aideront a le corriger et a le rendre plus "français"
ce script est un exemple de suggestions directe sans metaphores
ou la "scène" construite progressivement est présentée au subconscient comme un chemin possible pour la guérison!
la répétition et la composition de suggestions a l'état somnambulique garanti une prise certaine...
du concept de restauration du système immunitaire dans un premier temps.... puis d'une bataille rangée jusqu'a la victoire!


Toujours savoir trouver le plaisir de chercher…
Membre de l'équipe
8 634
9 760
Suscinio 56
Il y a au moins une métaphore incluse de trés haut degré Paulélie :

il vous suffit d'attirer les gens aimant dans votre monde, parce qu'ils sont un miroir de ce que vous êtes.



Toujours savoir trouver le plaisir de chercher…
Membre de l'équipe
8 634
9 760
Suscinio 56
paulelie à dit:
c'est tout ce que vous avez a dire?


Merci Paulélie !

Car voilà ce que çà donne, en saupoudrage accidentel !

L'intelligence universelle

la substance qui s'appelle la vie.

un modèle dans votre conscience

le pouvoir de guérison de l'amour

vous en avez fini avec la maladie

tout va bien dans votre merveilleux

Paul Elie

Paul Elie

4 289
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encore une preuve de votre lâcheté... vous n'avez même pas le courage de commenter sur le contenu....
vous vous contentez de la délation de l'injure pour noyer le poisson.
quand ce n'est pas une pub pour des recherches que vous n'avez pas conduite ( tout le monde sait utilisé google!)
ou de la pseudo poésie hermétique!

c'est minable!
la trêve que je propose ne vous intéresse pas parce qu'elle voudrai dire,
d'accepter de descendre votre piédestal sur lequel vous vous êtes auto- proclamés docteurs! d'accepter votre ignorance en certains domaines....

metaphore joue au jeu du dernier mot.... et vous en acceptez la tache....
parce que vous faites partie de cette campagne de dénigrement de l'hypnose car elle ne sert pas vos intérêts!
Paul Elie

Paul Elie

4 289
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ceci dit je répondrai et discuterai le contenu... et d'avance je remercie les forumeurs qui m'aideront a le corriger et a le rendre plus "français"
ce script est un exemple de suggestions directe sans metaphores
ou la "scène" construite progressivement est présentée au subconscient comme un chemin possible pour la guérison!
la répétition et la composition de suggestions a l'état somnambulique garanti une prise certaine...
du concept de restauration du système immunitaire dans un premier temps.... puis d'une bataille rangée jusqu'a la victoire!
Paul Elie

Paul Elie

4 289
6 510
La métaphore, du grec μεταφορά (metaphorá, au sens propre, transport), est une figure de style fondée sur l'analogie et/ou la substitution. C'est un type particulier d'image sans outil de comparaison qui associe un terme à un autre appartenant à un champ lexical différent afin de traduire une pensée plus riche et plus complexe que celle qu'exprime un vocabulaire descriptif concret.
ce n'est pas une métaphore....
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