Et à mon sens tu as raison.
Ca me fait penser à un article qu'a écrit Nathan Thomas récemment, mais ici le mérite ne lui revient pas aujourd'hui mais revient à Jeffrey Stephens
I want to talk a bit about something that is particularly
of interest to me. I am a hypnotist. I use hypnosis to
make amazing changes in people’s lives.
But it seems that, all too often, people want to label
just about everything as hypnosis. I think it is taken
too far. I think it actually diminishes what hypnotists
do when it is all lumped together.
As I see it - and you are perfectly welcome to disagree,
providing you don’t mind being wrong - there are three
separate and distinct things that are all being lumped
in as hypnosis.
These three things are Hypnosis, Trance, and Influence.
All of these come in covert and overt flavors. But they
are most definitely not the same thing.
“Well...” you say, “they can all be used to change the
way a person thinks.” So can threats and bribery. But
these aren’t being called hypnosis.
So what are these three things, and how are they different?
Hypnosis CHANGES the way a person thinks / feels /
believes. Influence provides ways for that person to
make his own choices, but ‘suggests’ a desired outcome.
An instruction given in hypnosis is followed. A ‘suggestion’
given using influence may or may not be followed. But
provides an easy way for the mind to accept the change,
IF there is enough reason to do so.
Trance does neither. It merely facilitates a state of mind (c) Jeffrey Stephens 2011. To learn more visit Lien invalide
that can be used either way.
Many of the ‘hypnotic language patterns’ are nothing of
the kind. They are phrases which, collectively, produce
an inclination toward a goal.
Genuine hypnosis ‘installs’ a new thought / pattern /
belief. It simply isn’t questioned. This is what is meant
by the phrase, “bypass the critical factor”. The instruction
from the hypnotist is taken at face value and followed.
Let me be perfectly clear. I use all of the above
when it is appropriate to do so. But I do so with
specific understanding of what I am doing. This
is the only way to be sure that my intent is just
what it needs to be.
Pour citer les passages répondant à la question :
"Il y a plusieurs choses à séparer. Ces trois choses sont l'hypnose, la transe et l'influence"
"L'hypnose change la façon dont une personne pense, sent, croit. L'influence fournit des moyens pour que cette personne
fasse ses propres choix, mais «suggère» le résultat souhaité.
Une instruction donnée à l'hypnose est suivie. Une «suggestion »
donné à l'aide d'influence peut être suivie ou ne pas l'être. Mais
fournit un moyen facile pour l'esprit d'accepter le changement, SI il ya assez de raison de le faire."
"La transe ne fait rien. Il facilite l'état modifié de conscience"
Et pour ceux qui veulent, un écrit de Leo Gopal entre NLP et Hypnose. A mon sens, c'est à peu près ça aussi. Hypnose, trance, influence, NLP... tout ça, ce sont des ensembles ayant des paramètres communs !
Lien invalide ... leo-gopal/
Ensuite, pour PROUVER qu'il y a transe et hypnose séparé :
L'hypnose éveillé :